Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Best Gyms in Dubai is Focusing More on Group Exercises: Here’s Why?

Have you recently shifted to Dubai? Congratulations on the new phase of life and you might be busy setting up your lifestyle in the new city right now. From landing a great job, renting or buying an amazing place to live in, to installing all the on-demand food, grocery, medicine delivery apps, creating a lifestyle takes a lot. Meanwhile, are you looking for one of the best gyms in Dubai? You must not take your health and fitness for granted, especially when you are trying to settle in a new city.

Do you like to hit the gym and practice on your own, under the guidance of an instructor? Or do you thrive more in a group class with everyone breathing, moving, and sweating in sync? No matter what kind of workout sessions you prefer, you will find lots of high-quality gyms in downtown Dubai. However, as per research, if you are a loner when it is about joining a gym, you might be missing some excellent benefits of group workouts.

Solo Workouts V/S Group Workouts

Working out daily comes up with so many benefits for both physical and mental health. But working out in groups has specifically become more popular because of improved results. According to the federation of professional trainers, group training has become one of the most cost-effective ways to succeed in your fitness journey.

 The Best Gyms in Dubai Shared These Benefits of Exercising in Groups

 1.  Save Money

 If a one-on-one session with a personal trainer seems to be expensive, signing up for the group sessions will help you to cut the cost significantly. When you join a group class in the gyms in downtown Dubai you will get personal attention from a professional trainer while paying less for it.  A skilled trainer is always there to oversee your performance, provide extra support, etc.

2.  Unmatched Safety Measures

 Even if you are not taking one-on-one coaching, there will be no compromise with your safety measures. The group trainer will also make sure that you are using the equipment properly and effectively so that your hard work pays off. At the same time, the other members of the group will motivate you to do better on a competitive note. So, it will be a win-win situation for you. All you need to do is make sure that you are joining one of the best gyms in Dubai.

3.  Stay Focused for A Long Time

When you are working out alone at home, it is quite easy to get distracted. You might get calls, browsing social media seems to be more interesting than finishing the last set of crunches. But when you are working in a group, performing brisk workouts, you won’t realize how hard you are working. It means you can stretch your energy for as long as the group session runs. You are also free from distractions when the trainer is instructing all the participants at once. The trainers of gyms and fitness classes in downtown Dubai have observed that group sessions work better than the solo ones when the candidates are not self-motivated fitness freaks. You are constantly stimulated when you are exercising in a group.  

4.  Find Your Tribe

Doing workouts alone often gets monotonous. So, if you join a group that has like-minded people, you can inspire each other to give your best. Most students, professional athletes, working professionals, entrepreneurs, people working in the entertainment and glamour industries, join the best yoga studios and gyms in Dubai. So, you will get to meet different people and share the fun of working out together.

5.  Enjoy Some Social Time in The Best Gyms in Dubai

In today’s busy, driven lifestyle, you are always running behind success and ignoring the social time you need. While you can’t compromise with your work commitments, you can enjoy the social aspect of group workout sessions in the gyms and fitness clubs in downtown Dubai. Being a part of a group, you automatically have a community of like-minded people, determined to make it through every workout session.

6.  Get Personal Attention


Even during the group sessions, the trainers devote individual attention to every participant and that provides major benefits to help you achieve your goals.  A trainer can:

·       Show you how to use the equipment

·       Monitor your progress

·       Get to know your specific goals and needs

·       Answer all your queries

·       Help you boost your motivation

·       Suggest additional foods or equipment that help you make the most of the session.

7.  Stay Accountable

Kudos to the people who can do everything on their own without the need for any outside motivation. But if you are not one of them, especially when it comes to hitting the gym regularly, the best gyms in Dubai have got you covered. If you tend to be more accountable in a group setting, you will be much more likely to attend the session regularly.

8.  Give & Receive Support

Every group session comes with one or more trainers to create the training plans, provide guidance, demonstrate exercises, and monitor individual progress. Much of the effectiveness of a group workout session comes from the support that the group members give each other.

Besides working out, the support might come in other ways too. For example, if one participant shares the story of giving up smoking or another addiction, you will get inspiration from that person. Even they can help you to encourage you with your efforts. You can discuss diet plans, make meals together if you are meeting outside the gym as well, and much more. 

9.  A Wide Range of Workouts

A group exercise training might cater to a variety of fitness goals you have. If you are trying to shed a few pounds, most gyms in downtown Dubai have the perfect aerobic classes, circuit training, T3 HIIT workout sessions, etc.

 How to Approach a Group Training for Optimal Results?

So now that you know about it all, will you be considering enrolling in a group workout session in any of the best gyms in Dubai? If yes, you will need to know how to maximize the results of such a session. In a typical group session, the instructors plan the session intending to meet every performer’s fitness goals.

In case, you have some issue that needs a one-on-one consultation session, don’t hesitate to ask your trainer about it. The fitness instructors serve as team leaders but they can also help you with personalized advice, valuable diet tips, and so on.

The Best Gyms in Dubai Answered Some Frequently Asked Questions

 Before you start looking for the best Pilates, gyms, or yoga classes in Dubai let’s clear up some of your most common questions and misunderstandings.

. How Big Are the Fitness Groups?

Well, that varies from one gym to another. You have a lot of gyms in downtown Dubai that might have a large group like forty people or more. On the other hand, it might be a small group of ten or more members. While a yoga class will be perfect with ten people, a high-energy, hardcore workout session is much better with a larger group.

High-Intensity, Moderate, or Light: What Will Be the Best for You?  

Light Intensity:

It is exactly what the name suggests. It doesn’t cause you an immense amount of hard work, shortness of breath, or too much sweat. Those classes might include some light forms of dance or yoga.

Moderate Intensity:

Such workouts might cause you to sweat after ten or fifteen minutes of working out. Some moderate-intensity workouts are light jogging, brisk walking, or gentle cycling.

High Intensity:

These are hard-core exercises that will get you breathing, sweating, and burning a higher number of calories. Some examples will be basketball, running on a treadmill, hard-core cardio exercises, weight lifting, sports like volleyball, and basketball.

.  Is Strength Training Using Weights Same As Bodybuilding?

If building highly defined muscles is not your end goal, lifting weights will not have the same effect because the exercises will be different. The main goal of adding weights to your routine is to promote core strength, not create bulk muscles.

 . What Exactly Does Mind/Body Connection Mean?

No matter which one you choose among the best gyms in Dubai, every expert will focus on the importance of mind-body connection. As your mental state and physical activities are closely connected, regular exercise impacts them both. Though working out primarily aims at improving your body, you can also enjoy a positive impact on your mental health. As per research, regular exercise refreshes your mood and fights depression.

Over to You!

If you are considering a group session at one of the best gyms in Dubai, you need to figure out what your goals are. Are you just trying to maintain your mobility and current body contour? Or do you look forward to some serious weight-loss or bodybuilding goals? No matter what, the Gym Dubai can be your ultimate destination.

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