Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Here Are 2 Vital Workouts for Weight Loss at The Gym

Probably the most common reason for a major chunk of people to join the gym is for weight loss. But merely going for a leisurely walk on the treadmill sometimes won’t make you lose weight. To lose the excess body fat and get back in shape, ensure your routine is progressive, implying the challenge in the gym increases over time, in the form of a little more speed, more sets, more reps or lifting a heavier weight. Here are two popular and beneficial workouts to follow for weight loss:

Cardio Workout

Cardio exercise is any exercise that raises your heart rate, aimed at making it stronger. Doing a strong cardio workout enables your cells to burn more fat during exercise as well as inactivity. Vigorous cardio workout gives you the greatest benefits in terms of both weight loss and better cardiovascular health. Remember that the more muscle groups you can do at one time, the more calories you would be able to burn. Cardio workout includes low and high-intensity sessions, involving different exercises

High-Intensity Interval Training Workout

HIIT workout is a type of exercise that alternates the periods of intense effort with some periods of recovery. A sample workout you can try is below mentioned:

First, a warm-up at an easy pace for about five minutes.
Then gradually increase your pace to an all-out effort for close to one minute.
Now return to an easy pace on the treadmill for about two minutes.
Next, repeat both intervals for four to five more times, at the same time trying to work a little harder during each of the next sprint intervals.
Finally cool down at an easy pace for the next five minutes and relax.

Remember that you don't need to do HIIT every day unless otherwise advised by your trainer. As your body needs time to recover after such tough workouts and heavy training sessions, it would be best to space out these workouts at probably a couple of days apart to avoid pressurizing your body too much. Meanwhile, you can carry out some simple and light exercises to keep your body at par with the training requirements.

So, hurry up and head to The Gym Dubai now to start your journey towards weight loss and a fitter you.

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