Thursday, February 24, 2022

Find Out The Best Among The Luxury Gyms In Dubai And Make The Most Of Your Membership!


Most people in Dubai join gyms in January as getting in shape is their new year's resolution! But all of them don’t stick around throughout the whole year. Are you also looking for the best luxury gyms in Dubai as it’s only February? But how will you make sure that you will continue your efforts till the end of this year and even after that?

The biggest hack is to find a gym you like at first! You need a gym where you feel very comfortable.

“Right after you walked in, the energy and the experience MUST impress you! After all, it makes 1. or breaks whether you will continue being their member for a long time. Do the fitness experts greet you? Do the other members working out look like they are enjoying the session?” 

- Questions Jarrod Saracco, a fitness consultant with a rich experience of twenty years. 

Of course, you will find many 5 star gyms in Dubai when you look for them online. Therefore, choosing the right one might take a little more effort than you think. Here are ten MUST-KNOW tips that will help you to find your perfect match. 

How To Choose Among The Best 5 Star Gyms In Dubai? 

The Nearer, The Better! 

First and foremost, you must find a gym that is close to your house. Believe it or not, most students, despite their highest motivation, won’t regularly drive more than fifteen minutes to go to their gyms. So, open Google Maps and browse all gyms within a five-mile radius. However, don’t forget to check for easy parking while you are browsing your options. 

Visit During A Prime Workout Time 

What would be the best time to check out a gym? Well, a Saturday afternoon might be the ideal time to do so. Or you can also visit a gym at a time when you would feel like hitting the gym. Just walk in and try to feel in the energy. 

Ask for Gym Complimentary 

Whenever you are visiting the luxury gyms in Dubai, don’t forget to ask about the complimentary products they have for every member. Usually, people don’t think of this until they need it. But checking out these things in advance will help you plan your workout days. For instance, many gyms offer complimentary fitness gear, accessories, health drinks, personal lockers, etc. You can plan out the things you need to take every day while heading out for your workout. 

Check Out Whether the Machines are Clean or Not

Gyms are factories of a germ because so many people use the machines and equipment on regular basis. But when we are talking about the 5-star gyms in Dubai things are pretty different. Keeping things clean takes more than just the nightly sweeping and mopping sessions there.  Besides the professional housekeeping crew at regular work, the in-house cleaning team also needs to wipe down the machines throughout the day. So, when you are visiting the gym, watch out for a strict policy to wipe down everything after use. Most importantly, the professionals need to clean the weights after every use. 

Ask About How The Luxury Gyms in Dubai Cope with Emergencies 

Relax, accidents and injuries are pretty rare when you are in the good hands of the professional fitness instructors of luxury, reputable fitness studios, and gyms in Dubai.  But still, it is always preferable if your gym is prepared for every situation. Most gyms have trained and experienced staff members who are great with CPR. You can’t overlook your safety when you are taking up a gym membership. 

Double-Check Your Contract

Signing up a contract might be just a formality but many people overlook the importance of it. A contract is a written promise made between you and the gym authority and if you sign it, you have to pay the monthly charges. So, it is very important to double-check your statement and the contract to ensure that there are no extra fees. 

Check The Scope to Join Specific Training Programs 

General membership in the 5-star gyms in Dubai will let you enjoy the basic equipment and fitness gear. But how can you make the most of your gym sessions? 

“I suggest signing up for a paid program like a small group program or personal training from a specific instructor who understands your body type and needs.” – Says Jarrod Saracco, a twenty-three-year veteran of the fitness industry. 

It will be like protection for your investment, if you see the results, you will stick to it.

Check the Culture of the Luxury Gyms in Dubai

Every gym has some specific rules and regulations for the members. Some gyms won’t allow you to use outside towels while the others will need you to wear specific gym gear while you are working out. Make sure to learn all about the culture of the gym so that you can evaluate whether it suits you or not.

Look for a Good Mix of Machines 

When you are weighing the charges of luxury gyms in Dubai, you expect premium quality services and benefits in return. Check whether the machines are all from the same company or several vendors. One company might make a good cross-trainer but they perhaps don’t make the best of every piece of equipment. So, if you see all the machines are from the same brand, the gym owner has made a good deal. But as a user, you are not going to get the best machines possible. 

How to Make the Most of Your Gym Membership?

So, now that you have found out about the best 5-star gyms in Dubai it’s time for you to plan out the best exercise plan that gives you the best results. Here are a few tips for that! 

Start With Checking Your Bodyweight 

It is very important to set measurable goals to achieve success when it comes to your fitness plan. So, start with checking your current body weight and set the desired body weight that you want to achieve. For example, if you weigh 65 kgs right now and you want to lose 8 to 10 kgs, you need to follow a specific workout and diet plan. On other hand, if you are underweight and want to build some muscle, your entire plan will be different. So, check your current condition and work with your trainer to achieve your fitness goals. 

Choose the Right Amount of Weight 

Most of the luxury and well-equipped gyms and fitness clubs in Dubai have a different range of weights for the students. If you are into strength training, it is important to figure out the right weights and specific sets and repetitions to use them. Take the help of the instructors and choose the right plan for you. 

Go Slow but Steady

Safety must always be your priority when you are exercising, especially moving heavyweights. Expert fitness trainers always suggest starting with lighter weights and gradually increasing levels. If you are a first-timer or starting exercising again after a long gap, don’t opt for swinging, bouncing, momentum, or very fast movement during your strength training. 

You must be able to maintain your core strength and stability if you are lifting the amount of weight appropriate for your workout stage. Not sure if your form and posture are correct? The personal trainers of the 5 star and professional gyms in Dubai can help. 

There Is No One-Size-Fits-All Policy 

When it comes to losing weight, gaining strength, or shedding a few pounds, different individuals need different training routines. If you are looking at the fitness plans of the luxury gyms in Dubai, there are thousands of different plans and each one of them promises superior results. Does it seem confusing? 

Some people are usually blessed with a high metabolism and they can quickly shed or gain weight. But, that’s not the case with persons with low metabolism rates as it takes longer for them to see results. That is why your trainer will take some time to understand your body needs and the best way to train you. 

Finding Out the Right Workout Plan Takes Trial & Error

Though your fitness trainer is proficient and highly experienced in customizing unique workout plans that suit every student, it’s no magic. They might be meeting you for the first time and they will take some time o understand how your body responds to a particular form of exercise. It will take some time for both you and your trainer to try and change different workout plans to find out what works the best for your fitness goals.

Remember, You Are Stronger Than You Imagine 

Above everything, you need to maintain consistency, give yourself enough time, and follow all the instructions religiously. Stop comparing yourself to others and believe in the process. Fitness is a journey and it’s all about discipline and self-motivation. If the instructor is asking you to lift more weight than your current plan, don’t give up and push yourself as hard as you can.


So, now you have a full-scale guide on how to find out the best one among the luxury gyms Dubai you might think how challenging it is going to be. The reality is it can be as easy or as complicated as you make it! No matter your body type, genetic disposition, and energy level, there are always ways to overcome everything and achieve your fitness goals. 

Last but not the least, it is crucial to understand how differently your body can react to different training and diet plans, what is training frequency you need to follow, etc. 

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